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Cyber Security and Your Business

Technology has become an integral part of the workplace. As a result, businesses have become dependent of technology to function in this millennium. They use technology for everything from; online networking, collaborating on work, sending and receiving emails, and financial transactions. So keeping all of this information safe and not accessible to the general public has become a crucial part of doing business.

This is why Cyber Security has become so important to businesses of all sizes. All businesses are at risk for cyber-attacks and must put in place the tools to protect their information or the results can be devastating. Data breaches such as those that happen when a business is cyber-attacked can result in: lost files; software, system, or website corruption; and even loss of

intellectual property and assets of the business.

This type of attack can come in many forms. For example: a scammer may impersonate a business; send fraudulent emails, viruses or malware or hack into private information of a business’ clients.

Under the Canadian Privacy Law, The Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA), businesses can be fined for not keeping their information secure enough. PIPEDA sets the guidelines for how private-sector organizations collect, use, and disclose personal information in the course of for-profit, commercial activities across Canada.

Security breaches can be very costly. The fines now run from $2.1 million for serious or repeated breaches to as high as $10 million.

The simplest way for a business to ensure their data is protected is to limit the amount of personal data that they make public. However, barring that, there will always be some information that businesses will find it necessary to share in the public domain, which can make them vulnerable.

Businesses can reduce their risk of exposure in several ways, such as: using a dummy email address, which is one that the business can use when visiting websites that they do not want to share their actual email address with; backing up their data to not only the cloud, but to their hard drive and a portable hard drive; keeping their antivirus software up-to-date at all times; and avoid opening or responding to unexpected emails. But probably business’ best tool in their toolbox is to ensure cyber security, is to train all of their staff on an ongoing basis in how best to maintain cyber security in your company.

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